The plane with MVK expedition aboard arrived in Moscow with delay
Today at 6 am the plane with MVK expedition aboard landed in Moscow, at Vnukovo Airport.
Initially the arrival was planned for April 25, 2.30 am. Delay in arrival happened because the plane could not take off at once from the airfield at Barneo drifting polar station. According to one of the participants, the weather changed every five minutes – first it was sunny, then the sky was overcast, then it became foggy, windy and then there started snowstorm. Besides the block of ice started moving and finally it cracked.
At 6 am the plane landed in Moscow. Now participants of the expedition are having rest at home. All of them got very tired, as they had only three hour sleep during the last three days. Everybody is alive, feels well and nobody got frost-bitten, said participants of the expedition over the phone.
*** We remind that on April 23 MVK expedition flew to the North Pole. The aim of the flight was to open the first in the world historic and patriotic museum at the North Pole, at “zero” spot.
On April 24, at 1 am Moscow time the flags of Russia and MVK were hoisted at the North Pole. The mobile polar museum was opened within the framework of the third International polar year and in honour of the 70th anniversary of two heroic expeditions: the first Soviet drifting polar station SP-1 under the guidance of I.D. Papanin and flights over the North Pole, made by V.P. Chkalov’s and M.M. Gromov’s crews. This museum presented two tents – the exact replica of Papanin’s tent and the tent, painted in colours of the Russian flag. In the tents there were demonstrated photos of expedition of Shmidt, Papanin, photos of flights, made by Gromov, Chkalov, Papanin’s record book, information about Arctic exploration, present polar explorers and polar researches. With the opening of this mini-exposition at the North Pole there will start opening of the full exposition of historic and patriotic museum “Role of HISTORY in life and business”, which will be exhibited at space area of 700 square meters. During the year mobile polar museum will be demonstrated in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and other Russian cities.
The solemn opening of the full exposition of the museum is planned to take place on May 17, 2007 at the same time with opening of Euroexpofurniture exhibition