Alexey Shaburov's Project


support team

Greeting by Nina Gromova, the Widow of Mikhail Gromov, the Distinguished Test Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union

It is a very good idea to create the museum marking the 70th anniversary of heroic events in Russian history: Papanin’s expedition and polar flights of Chkalov and Gromov to the USA. It is highly important that the museum is mobile and many people will be able to see it.

I have heard much about Alexey Shaburov, he is a well-known initiator of polar exhibitions and projects. I appreciate his attempts to remind Russians about the heroic deeds of their compatriots.

By the way, Ernest Krenkel, the participant of Papanin’s expedition, was a good friend of Mikhail Gromov. Krenkel was a charming man. Our summer houses were next door to each other. I had a photo in which Krenkel and Gromov, true Russian athletes, tall, strong, well-built, walk along the path near our summer house…

As for your museum I remember that at one of the exhibitions dedicated to the papaninities and polar flights, you invited Mstislav Listov, the test pilot and asked him to meet with the high school children. The teenagers came, sat down, or rather, reclined at ease. Listov’s first question was about Mikhail Gromov. He asked: “Do you know who Gromov is?” and the children answered: “No, we don’t and we don’t want to”. Listov started to speak about Gromov’s life and some of his principles. And the children got interested. First they were whispering and chattering, but soon they became silent. He asked other children: “Have you heard about Grizodubova?” “She was a pilot. So what of it: just a biddy pilot”. Listov corrected them: “A woman. Do you know she was the only woman in the regiment and commanded the regiment”

I wish you to be passionately involved in your museum and be in love with your idea, so that people got interested in it too.

Nina Gromova