In 2007, the year of the great historical 70th anniversary, we can trace a new round of history of our country. Exactly 70 years ago an expedition under the guidance of I.D. Papanin landed at the North Pole and the first drifting polar station SP-1 was founded. The legendary flights of Valery Chkalov and Mikhail Gromov over the North Pole took place. These achievements immediately increased the authority of our country all over the world at the end of the 1930s. These events are connected with the present situation in the world. The authority of our country is being increased; the Russian State is getting stronger but already under new historical and economic conditions.
I would like to greet all the participants of the project Museum “Role of HISTORY in life and business” each of them contributes to the creation of the spiritual and historical aura of pride for our history. I would like to express my special gratitude to MVK International Holding Company and general sponsor for the realization of such an important project. It is pleasant to note that all representatives of the modern business community have a desire and responsibility to all generations of our people and an understanding of necessity of realizing and supporting this project.
I am sure that the exhibition Museum “Role of HISTORY in life and business” will make a significant contribution for each attendee, and will become a big step to new communicative skills, new quality of life and new business heights. And the most important thing is that the project will arouse in organizers, participants and all attendees patriotic feelings, pride and understanding that we live in a great country, that is Russia!
Director of the V.P. Chkalov Memorial museum
S. Nikolichev