The Museum of the heroic defense of Sevastopol was opened in 1905.
Panorama “Defense of Sevastopol from 1854-1855:
Panorama “Defense of Sevastopol from 1854-1855” is a world known work of battle-scene painting and it is a monument to the heroism of Sevastopol defenders during the Crimean (Eastern) war of 1853-1856. This war was held between Russia and a coalition of states: Great Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia and it was a result of a political and economic struggle for the sphere of influence in Europe and the Middle East. The war ended in Russia’s defeat. But the 349 days of defense of Sevastopol, the main sea fortress of the Black Sea, caused the admiration of the whole world. The deeds of the Sevastopol heroes are commemorated by numerous monuments. The best monument is the Panorama. It was erected at the 50th anniversary of the defense. Its author is an outstanding painter of battle scenes, founder of Russian panoramic art, Frantz Rubo (1856-1928).
Diorama “Assault of Sapun Hill on May 7th, 1944”
Diorama “Assault of Sapun Hill on May 7th, 1944” is a composition centre of memorial complex, located on a natural hill, which was the scene of a violent struggle during the Great patriotic War. One of Sevastopol defensive lines was located her during the period of 1941-1942. During the occupation of the city by German fascists (1942-1944) Sapun hill was turned into a “stone front”, and it held a key position in the system of defensive constructions. It included from 3 to 6 staged trenches and 70 permanent weapon emplacements. The enemy’s defense could put up to 100 bullets per minute through each attacking Soviet soldier. And under such conditions Sapun Hill was seized after a 9 hour battle. Only a few minutes of the battle are depicted on the canvass of the diorama of the “Assault of Sapun hill on May 7th, 1944”.
The authors of this work are the artists of art studios named after M. Grekov, P. Maltsev, and N. Prisekin. Over 7 months they worked on the canvas of 25.5 х 5.5 metres and a topical plan of 83 square meters. In August of 1959 both parts of the diorama were delivered to Sevastopol and were placed in the building, specially constructed in accordance with the project of the architect V. Petropavlovsky. That building was located on Sapun hill. By May 9th, 1945 a military-field museum had been constructed. More than 24 million people have attended that place since then. According to the artist’s plan a spectator should feel as if he were on Sapun hill in the second half of the day, when the battle reached its climax. The heroes portrayed in the foreground of the picture are real individuals; some of them bear portrait likeness. In the picture a real lay of the land is reproduced with trophy weapons and outfits, collected at the battle field.
The Defensive tower of Malakhov kurgan
Malakhov kurgan is located in the south-eastern part of Sevastopol. Its height is 97 meters above sea level. There are more than 20 monuments and memorials, connected with the first defense of the city (1854 - 1855) during the Crimean war and the second defense (1941 -1942) during the Great Patriotic War. From 1854-1855 the city was besieged by the armies of Great Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia. As many as 8 bastions were constructed and armed in a short time period under the guidance of Vice-admiral V.A. Kornilov. Malakhov kurgan held the leading position among the Russian fortifications. V.A. Kornilov was lethally wounded on the kurgan on October 5th (17), 1854. A monument was erected here in 1895 (it was restored in 1983). V.A. Kornilov’s last words: “Defend Sevastopol” are carved on the monument. And people started to call Malakhov kurgan: theKornilovsky bastion. Malakhov kurgan was a part of the 4th distance of the defense line, under the command of rear admiral V.I. Istomin. According to contemporaries, he was a permanent sentry of Malakhov kurgan, lived in the defense tower; he was contused and two times wounded during the defense. Highly appreciating the fighting spirit of Sevastopol citizens, V.I. Istomin wrote: “I could not help admiring our sailors, soldiers and officers. One can seek such selflessness and heroic firmness in other nations with a candle in his hand”. Rear admiral V.I. Istomin was awarded the St. George order of the Third Class for the defense of Sevastopol. He was killed on March 7th (19), 1855, when returning from Kamchatsky lunette to Malakhov kurgan. The place where he was lethally wounded is indicated with a memorial sign.
The Museum of Sevastopol’s resistance activity
The defense of Sevastopol which lasted 250 days finished at the beginning of July in 1942. The fascists occupied the city and established their “new rules” in it, which brought to its citizens executions, prisoner-of-war camps, mass raids and compulsory labour conscription forced sending to Germany for work. For 22 months the occupiers shot, hanged, drowned more than 27000 people and sent to Germany 45000 Sevastopol citizens and war prisoners. But this did not destroy Sevastopol citizens. 17 separate resistance patriotic groups started their activity in 1942-1943. In the summer – autumn period of 1943 they united into a Communist resistance organization under the guidance of V.D. Revyakin and held its activity at the rear of the enemy.
Vladimir cathedral: burial vault of Russian admirals
The preparation works on the erection of the cathedral started in 1848. The first construction here was the vault where admiral M.P. Lazarev, the chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet was buried. The laying of the foundation stone of the cathedral was held on July 15th, 1854.
The Crimean War of 1853-1856 stopped construction works. During the defense of Sevastopol Sevastopol heroes were buried in this vault: admirals Kornilov, Istomin, Nakhimov.
In 1862 the construction of the cathedral in a Russian and Byzantine style was renewed. The initial project of architect K.A. Ton was developed by architect A.A. Avdeev (1818-1895). Marble works were conducted by the Italian sculptor V. Bonani, walls and arches were painted by the artist A.E. Karneev; ornaments were made by the Italian artist R. Izello. The cathedral was consecrated in 1888.
Exhibition activity.
The Exhibition activity is one of the reflections of research work, conducted by the Museum. Thus, during the period of 1998-2003, 72 new exhibitions were organized: 21 stationary and 51 mobile. They all present Museum collections, reflecting the history of the city.
Every year the museum organizes stationary exhibitions which are displayed on Sapun Hill, in Revyakina square and Istorichesky boulevard. Mobile exhibitions are granted on lease for organizations, military units, educational institutions, and are displayed by the museum in streets and squares of the city during the days of gala events.
Director: A.A. Rudometov
Adress: 99000, Sevastopol, Istorichesky boulevard
Excursion department: +7 0692 52 08 23, +7 0692 52 21 46